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Software interfaces

  • Computree

    is the cpp framework simpleforest is using. Has other plugins for modeling trees as well.

  • Amap studio

    is a tool to manually improve fitted QSMs. Errors which can occur during modeling can here intuitively be corrected.

  • TreeQSM

    is another QSM modeling tool based on Matlab. Does not hurt to use a second tool to produce independent results.

  • 3dForest

    is a software suite utilizing forest scenes from TLS scans as well. Open Source as everything linked here.

  • CloudCompare

    is a tool to interactively modify point clouds.

  • Blender

    is a tool to render photorealistic images or videos. Can import ply files.

  • R

    is statistical scripting language useful to analyze the csv output of SimpleForest.

  • MeshLab

    is tool for mesh processing. Can both import clouds as well as ply files.

Used libraries

  • PCL

    is a cpp library to process 3d point clouds. Heavily used in SimpleForest.

  • OpenCV

    is an image processing library. The DTM step for example relies on OpenCV as well as here raster data is generated.

  • Eigen

    is a library to efficiently perform matrix operations. Despite being a third party library for both PCL and OpenCV, few SimpleForest functionality directly implements Eigen.

  • GSL

    is a numerical library. SimpleForest utilizes this for parameter optimization.

  • QT

    is mainly used to interact with Computree user interface.

  • Boost

    playground library for the cpp standard container. Before new implementations show up in the container, they are tested here.


    is used by PCL for the KDTree implementation.